R. Baker & Son All Industrial Services, Inc. performed the decommissioning and dismantling of four (4) gunite lined steel stacks from the top of PSEG’s Glenmont, New York Powerhouse. The 20 ft diameter, 170ft tall stacks sat on top of the 165 ft high building roof for a total height from the ground of 335 ft. R. Baker & Son working together with PSEG Engineering and Lomma Crane decided to utilize a M760 ton Favco tower crane erected on top of the powerhouse to be utilized for the lifting and lowering to ground of stack sections. R. Baker & Son erected and installed a base for the Favco tower crane and tied it directly into the building’s column lines. A 500 ton hydraulic Demag was utilized to hoist workers in a certified man basket over 350 ft. in the air in order to perform rigging and dismantling activities
http://www.rbaker.com/rigging-contractors.php http://www.rbaker.com/plant-decommissioning-contractors.php